We have a strong, cohesive team at Hoist & Access Services and value our staff immensely. We couldn't provide our high customer service levels for our customers without the dedication and passion of our people. To this end, we attained the Investors in People award and are committed to continuing to invest in our staff.
Managing Director, John Coyle, is the founder of the company and oversees all activity.
Billy Ferguson - General Manager billyferguson@hoistandaccess.com 0141 945 0101
John Bradley - General Manager Designate johnbradley@hoistandaccess.com 0141 945 0101
Peter Cameron - Operations Manager petercameron@hoistandaccess.com 0141 945 0101
Angela Griffin - Finance Manager angelagriffin@hoistandaccess.com 0141 945 0101
Lee Campbell - Hire and Sales Co-ordinator leecampbell@hoistandaccess.com 0141 945 0101